Wednesday 20 March 2013

And a few more butterflies...........

There were so many lovely butterflies at the National Butterfly Centre (sorry - just can't spell it the American way....) in McAllen. The centre itself has beautiful walks along shaded paths, butterfly lures along the trails and a wonderful bird feeding area.

We were instructed to shout out if we saw anything rare or exciting - trouble is we didn't know what we were looking at and apparently the Band-Celled Sister was a bit of a catch!

Bordered Patch

Band-Celled Sister

Gray Hairstreak - Wings open

 Texan Crescent
Common or White Checkered Skipper
(almost inseparable and possibly the same species)


  1. Lovely!!! Luckily we found the Banded Cell Sister again. What was the one we chased away accidentally as we approached to fast. We were also saved because Steve photographed it just before. We will know better next year.

    1. That was some fluffy, powdery thing we chased away, I can't remember what it was called. You're right, we'll do better next year!

  2. Oooohhhh, you talk so, so ... British. It's very appealing.

    1. It must be the Hyacinth Bucket in me : )

  3. What memories. I found my list from Falcon's Butterfly Garden. We were novices, I think.

  4. Some beautiful pictures x
