Monday 11 March 2013

Garden birdlife

Our garden is a little bit of an oasis amongst the concrete of our neighbours' patches. We like to put out feeders and have been rewarded by some beautiful birds visiting. Today has been blustery with snow showers so the feeders have been particularly busy. We get large numbers of sparrows and starlings but also blue tits, goldfinches, blackbirds, robins, dunnock, collar doves and wood pigeons. Today we have also been visited by two pairs of chaffinches, a siskin (a first!) and a flock of long-tailed tits. We also got our first (known) visit from a Great Spotted Woodpecker! He obviously likes the suet pellets. Luckily he stayed still long enough to get some photos, the other littler fellas were not so accommodating. The fox that appeared at the bottom of the garden was also too fleet footed............

Female Blackbird


 House sparrow and Siskin
Great Spotted Woodpecker - what a beauty!!


  1. Love the photos, how exciting to have a woodpecker!

  2. Your siskins are different, more colorful, than ours.
