Sunday 21 April 2013

Signs of Spring - finally!

This Winter has been very long and grey but at last we have green shoots, birds song and flowers in bloom.........

We have discovered that the woods a short hop, skip and a jump from our house are a veritable treasure trove of wildlife. All this through Twitter (which we have just discovered). On Tuesday we spent 5 hours wandering the footpaths and met Dave who tweets daily on sightings. He showed us where the Barn Owl roosts - wonderful! We caught a glimpse of the owl asleep in the rafters.

Yesterday (Saturday) we had an evening walk and were guided by a fellow bird enthusiast to the Barn Owl in his day roost in a hole in an ash tree. Then we saw another on our wish list - Little Owls! 2 in an oak tree.
Barn Owl



Little Owls - 2 - spot them if you can

Pheasant in full breeding plumage

Pussy Willow

Silver Birch bark


  1. This is great! Wi. Hope, or a close facsmile has lingered. Hope burn eternal.

    Lorna has been taking pictures. She has posted the loons that are on the lake out front, but she is holding back pictures of a variety of ducks.

  2. Lovely spring time photos! How cool to have the woods so close. The Little Owls are so cute. Can't wait for more photos are our spring. We have tiny yellow crocuses in the grass, but waiting for better. Yesterday we did get to sit outside in the sun and listen to the loons on the lake.

  3. Garbled messagw s/b Winter or a close...
