Thursday 9 May 2013

The joys of walking......

We have walked so much in the last few weeks, it has been a joy! We find ourselves going out for an hour or so and coming home 5 hours later, usually hungry, tired but very happy.

There are a surprising number of birders amongst the familiar faces we see along the footpaths close to home. The person we see the most is a teenager called David who is an avid wildlife spotter and seems to be there from dawn till nightfall.

The butterflies are just starting to come out, we see glimpses of Brimstones, the butterfly butterflies were supposedly named after due to it's beautiful yellow wings. Unfortunately they never seem to stop to pose for a picture. So far we've managed to photograph a Small Tortoiseshell and a very blurry Speckled Wood (too blurry to post). Never mind, it won't be long till they're out in force.........

Leafy green paths.......

          The first bluebells -
      quintessentially English
 Small tortoiseshell

 Dandelion head
  A pretty little Blue tit - so cute

 A close up bluebell

1 comment:

  1. Lovely area and beautiful shots. Keep up the good work. You coming to Minnesota on your honeymoon?
